Blog, Charleston
Pecha Kucha 15
This past Tuesday we were nestled beneath enormous oak trees draped in Spanish moss at the College of Charleston’s Cistern Yard for Pecha Kucha 15. (A quick explanation of Pecha Kucha: it’s Japanese for the sound of conversation. It’s a “mix of show-and-tell, open-mike night and happy hour that has become a forum for ideas on design, architecture and other forms of creativity.” Presenters have 6 minutes and 40 seconds to discuss 20 slides.)
Jamie and I have been to past Pecha Kucha nights and always leave feeling inspired. Being self-employed, it’s easy to get stuck behind the computer or feel the need to be working ALL of the time. The creative community in Charleston is talented, encouraging, and growing. Pecha Kucha 15 definitely did not disappoint (check out the full list of presenters here). The definite theme was importance of the story… whether that’s highlighting the “slow-fashion” movement by investing in quality over trends, learning exactly what goes in to the product sitting on your nightstand, or supporting physical publications.
Miss getting tickets? (They always sell out in record time.) There’s a great recap video here too.
Now, go do something creative this weekend.