Blog, Charleston
Type Truck Comes to Charleston!
Last week Jamie and I headed over to the Sideshow Press studio in downtown Charleston for the Movable Type event with Kyle Durrie and her type truck. Kyle, who is from Portland, Oregon, has been traveling the United States in a 1982 Chevy step van that she’s outfitted with built-in cabinets, lots of type, a Showcard sign press, and a Golding Official No. 3 tabletop press. She’s been on the road since June 2011 bringing the world of print and movable type to the public. I love that Kyle’s project was funded through Kickstarter… it’s a testament that print is still very much alive and appreciated.
Everyone who stopped by that evening got the opportunity to print a two-color piece using the Sideshow Press Vandercook and Kyle’s sign press. Along with pulling our own print, we really enjoyed talking letterpress with Kyle and the Sideshow Press team. Cheers to the love of print